Author: Anshuman Sinha

SPVs and Investment Funds: A Comparative Guide

SPVs and Investment Funds: A Comparative Guide

In finance, specifically within the avenues of Venture Capital and angel investing, there lies a clear-cut distinction between Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) and Investment Funds. Two complex yet valuable instruments that often spark discussion among…
What is an accredited investor?

What is an accredited investor?

  Accredited investor definition Accredited investors make investments since the law allows them to invest in specific securities offerings not registered with regulatory authorities such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United…
What every startup founder needs to know about 409A valuations

What every startup founder needs to know about 409A valuations

A 409A valuation involves an assessment conducted by an external, impartial party to determine the fair market worth of a private company’s ordinary shares. Startup founders must comprehend this valuation as it determines the fair…
Advisory shares: What startups should know

Advisory shares: What startups should know

In the fast-paced realm of startups, every company’s decision directly impacts its overall trajectory in its industry. One of the most pivotal aspects of a startup is its allocation of advisory shares. Advisory shares are…
Investing in Startups: How Carried Interest Influences Your Earnings

Investing in Startups: How Carried Interest Influences Your Earnings

In the intricate tapestry of financial terms and mechanisms, carried interest continuously emerges as a pivotal term, particularly within the realms of venture capital funds and angel syndicate investing. So, what exactly does carried interest…
SPVs in Focus: How Transparency is Democratizing Venture Capital Investing

SPVs in Focus: How Transparency is Democratizing Venture Capital Investing

SPVs, also known as Special Purpose Vehicles, are innovative tools that enable the democratization of investment opportunities and help build transparent communication between investors and fund managers.  The process of democratizing in the context of…
How Smartphones Are Changing the Face of Deal Syndication

How Smartphones Are Changing the Face of Deal Syndication

As technology continues to revolutionize lifestyles and industries, at the forefront of this digital wave are our trusty smartphones. Among the various ways they are shaping the world, one increasingly significant impact has been in…
The Role of Legal, Accounting, and Taxation in SPVs Explained

The Role of Legal, Accounting, and Taxation in SPVs Explained

Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs) occupy a critical niche within the U.S. business and investment landscapes. These intricately designed entities serve multiple purposes: from isolating financial and legal risks, managing vast assets, securing substantial loans, to…
Behind Closed Doors: Key Criteria Venture Capitalists Use to Make Decisions

Behind Closed Doors: Key Criteria Venture Capitalists Use to Make Decisions

The investment ecosystem has changed tremendously in the last two and a half decades. Several famous startups, including Facebook, Apple, Intel, Google, and others, have entered the scene. Together, they have changed the world of…
Why Economic Slowdown is The Best Time To Build And Invest In Startups?

Why Economic Slowdown is The Best Time To Build And Invest In Startups?

Although the startup ecosystem is currently experiencing an economic slowdown, with US tech firms contending with a recession, global inflation, and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, there is a prevailing sentiment of setback. The reduced availability of…